Monday, April 26, 2004

my digital image frame
when you want to buy an digital image frame from CEIVA for your mom but it's too expansive, you can use ours.

your mom has a computer, you have a digital camara, sendpix has image hosting, WE, HAVE SCREEN SAVER :p
You register an account for your mom, install our screen saver for your mom. After installed,
You use ACDsee to post photos whenever you want, just give us your account id and the link to sendpix,
your mom will see those photos in screensaver.

PS: you can support sendpix, email, blogger, ftp, url link image source.
PS: you can combine/cooperate google compute (distribute computing). When showing the image, we use it's cpu as our membership fee.
PS: cooperate with ACDsee, since they already have lots of things/users.

this website can provide space found 2/2/05