Wednesday, April 29, 2015

printable T-shirt

Print anything on a T-shirt, wear it for today, wash it, ready for print next time.
Now you have new T-shirts everyday.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Gene gene interaction network construction algorithm on human

gene gene interaction network construction algorithm can predict gene gene interaction network structure from gene expression profiles.
Using social media big data, we should be able to construct regulation network for human human interaction.
AND, after we have the network constructed, we can easily find the person which is most important to treat a disease (or a real life problem).

In biology network, disordered genes will cause disease. In reality, people say something wrong will cause problems.

Monday, March 30, 2015

SoundHound/Shazam for Perfume

A customer can use a portable molecular spectrum or detector, for example, in an elevator with lovely smell, to get a suggestion of a brand or a perfume product.